Getting Europe offthe ground -Discovering whatunites
The European model project “Starry Path/Chemin des étoiles” makes symbolic reference to the Milky Way, which served as an orientation aid for pilgrims in the early Middle Ages on their journey to the tomb of the Apostle James in Santiago de Compostela. In the present day, the project aims to provide a model of how the rediscovered routes of the pilgrims of St. James in parts of Saarland, Rhineland-Palatinate, Lorraine and Alsace can be carefully developed and used as a large regional meeting and networking space for European values. In the heart of Europe, these routes connect old episcopal seats, are part of the first European cultural route and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Lined by numerous medieval cultural monuments, they lead through multifaceted natural landscapes at one of Europe’s crossroads, where German and French cultures meet.
Europe should create a soul for itself.
The model project invites you to explore the Starry Path routes against the backdrop of their European heritage as part of a valuable journey. Below you will find a canon of values based on the social, spiritual and cultural foundations of Europe, which can serve as a source of inspiration and “spiritual luggage” to accompany you on your explorations.
Departure for a new way of seeing and thinking; encounters along the way, even in a roundabout way.
On our interactive map, you will find all the associated paths of the project area, which covers more than 1,600 km, including brief information on the medieval cultural monuments and waymarkers along the way. With the help of the map, you can design your own individual discovery routes along the Starry Paths - whether you are traveling on foot or by bike.
To be open to the gestures, signs and symbols of another time... Where the magic of the arts and poetry lived and can still be felt today, the soul of the world breathes...
More than 350 medieval cultural monuments line the Starry Path. These unique architectural witnesses invite you to search for traces, discover and pause. On the routes from Hornbach in the direction of Saarbrücken/Saarguemines, you can also discover “waymarks” that refer to the symbolism and cultural-historical significance of the Starry Path and the adjacent cultural monuments.
Stretching time and getting inspired landscapes, places and people and going from guest to friend
The numerous routes of the Starry Path lead through an exciting variety of multifaceted natural and cultural landscapes, including two UNESCO biosphere reserves. The trails connect different regions and also cross the German-French border. They thus offer the ideal occasion to get to know the most diverse people, mentalities and cultural areas.
Artistic reflections on messages of medieval building culture
Poetic pictures and thoughts, so-called “thinking pictures”, can be found on various medieval cultural monuments, which take up special details of the furnishings of the respective place and reinterpret them in an artistic way in relation to the present. Inspired by the past, these thinking pictures open up new perspectives and offer impulses for your own reflections on current issues and challenges.
A better world is possible.... Together + For Each Other Give Europe a Soul
The model project is based on participation and sharing, responds to social relevance and develops organically as long as people appreciate the vision and carry it forward. Countless people have already supported the idea with their own language. Would you like to be part of the European model project Starry Path/Chemin des étoiles? Then you will find information here about the various offers and opportunities for participation.