On the paths of the pilgrims of St. JamesPalatinate | North Route from Speyer to Hornbach
N49° 14’ 50.10", E7° 21’ 49.41"
Built by Duke Alexander 1493-1515 as the first town church. Interior originally with “star vault” (compare castle church of Meisenheim), 1945 almost completely destroyed, 1953-55 simplified rebuilt, remains of the medieval church integrated into the present structure.
On August 19, at 11 a.m. at the Protestant Alexander Church in Zweibrücken, the European model project “Starry Path/Chemin des étoiles” and the points of reference to the city of Zweibrücken were presented.
The St. James Society Rhineland-Palatinate-Saarland e.V. was represented with an information booth and offered a guided walk on the loop of the “Sternenweg” through Zweibrücken on the occasion of the European Open Monument Day, September 9, 2018.
Zweibrücken includes three other medieval cultural monuments that have already been recorded for the “Starry Path/Chemin des étoiles” project and will also be equipped with a sign.
The medieval testimonies of Zweibrücken can all be reached on a circular route.
N49° 15’ 24.30", E7° 23’ 37.56"
Tower basement, 12th century.(Zweibrücken-Niederauerbach)
N49° 15’ 4.38", E7° 23’ 48.60"
12th/15th c., stove tile from the castle (15th/16th c.), today in the Zweibrücken City Museum(Zweibrücken-Niederauerbach)
N49° 15’ 9.87", E7° 20’ 47.75"
Choir tower “Hornbacher Turm”, 13th c.(Zweibrücken-Ernstweiler)
The Zweibrücken deanery includes other important medieval churches in the Saarpfalz district, which were recorded as part of the project.
The project also developed a pilgrimage stamp that pilgrims can receive in the church.
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