On the paths of the pilgrims of St. JamesPalatinate | South route from Speyer to Hornbach
N49° 8’ 47.98", E8° 3’ 14.25"
Choir (14th c.), wall/ceiling paintings (c. 1500), west tower (dated 1503).
Frescoes in the church of St. Oswald Heuchelheim-Klingen
Psalter, pommer, portativ - medieval musical instruments that hardly anyone knows today, even if they can possibly be heard at medieval markets. Where these instruments were developed and what they and some others look like is shown in this publication by means of colored drawings and photos of medieval frescoes from the choir room of the church of St. Oswald in Heuchelheim-Klingen. The wall and ceiling paintings there, dating from the 14th and 16th centuries, depict what is, from an ecclesiastical point of view, a complete orchestra of angels, namely an ensemble of 12 angels playing music. This is probably a unique rarity, because other completely preserved angel orchestras in fresco technique are not known.
As part of the European model project Starry Path/Chemin des étoiles, the medieval village church in Heuchelheim in the district of Südliche Weinstraße was decorated with a stone scallop shell and a “thinking picture” (Sanctus of Consecration).
Project manager Peter Michael Lupp from the Saarbrücken Regional Association presents the European model project “Starry Path/Chemin des étoiles” and the associated DenkBild in a separate article in the brochure.
Thinking pictures Heuchelheim
The brochure was published by the association Altertrümmer Klingbachtal e.V. and can be obtained from bookstores (ISBN No. 978-3-9821384-3-5) or directly from the association at a price of € 9.80 (plus shipping).
Altertrümmer Klingbachtal e.V.c/o Dr. Rainer TempelKirchstr. 1076831 Heuchelheim-KlingenE-mail: rainer.tempel@nv-s.de