On the paths of the pilgrims of St. JamesPalatinate | South route from Speyer to Hornbach
N49° 14’ 29.79", E7° 58’ 13.03"
Parts of the former Cistercian abbey church (13th-15th c.) in the characteristic building scheme of the so-called “Bernardine plan”.
On April 22, 2018, at 11 a.m., a “waymark” - a stone scallop shell - and an accompanying information board were inaugurated at the former monastery church of St. Bernard in Eußerthal.
This important medieval cultural monument is part of the single area of a road axis, which once ran along the Haardt in the direction of Strasbourg. Surroundings: Dernbach, catholic church Hl. Dreifaltigkeit, former St. Jodokus (14th/15th century), castle ruin Neuscharfeneck (13th century) and castle ruin Meistersel (11th century).
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