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Tour planning

You can use our route planner to create tours around the Starry Paths on the interactive map . A tour consists of at least two waypoints between which a route is calculated.

Set waypoints

Waypoints can be set directly on the map. On touch devices, press and hold on the map to display the corresponding context dialog. On the desktop, use the right mouse button. If no waypoints have been set yet, you can also specify the desired activity in the dialog. The waypoint is marked on the map once it has been added.

Places of medieval architecture can also be added to the route on the map via the associated pop-up window. You can open this window by tapping (or clicking with the mouse) on the places marked with a red circle.

Alternatively, you can display the route planner in the menu bar with the “Route planning” entry. Here you can enter either location or address data, but also GPS coordinates for the individual waypoints. A search is carried out automatically and the locations found are displayed below the input field. Select the desired entry from the list to complete the entry.

To specify more than two waypoints, use the “Add waypoint” function to add further input fields. Intermediate destinations are hidden. You can display all waypoints by clicking on “Show waypoints”.

Deleting waypoints

On touch devices, press the respective waypoint for a short time to display the context dialog. On the desktop, you can access the dialog using the right mouse button. Press the “Delete waypoint” button in the dialog to remove the waypoint from the planning.

Alternatively, you can move the mouse over the corresponding input field in the route planner and click on the “Delete” symbol that is displayed on the right-hand side of the input field. On touch devices, you must first select an input field for the symbol to appear.

Choice of activity

Before you start planning, you can specify which mode of transportation should be used for a tour (on foot or by bike). This influences the route selection used by the route planner.

Create tour

Once all the desired waypoints have been set, you can generate the tour in the route planner (or in the context menu on the map) using the “Create tour” button. The route and elevation profile are calculated and all known evidence of medieval architecture within the selected radius of the route is determined and displayed in a list in the lower area. Clicking (or pressing on touch devices) on a list element zooms the map to the selected location.

You can download a tour as a .gpx file to use it on a bike computer, for example. You can also save the most important data as a booklet (in .pdf format). You also have the option of making the relevant map section available offline so that you can display the map data when using a smartphone on the move even without network availability (it is not possible to change a tour offline).