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Pilgrim products

Almost all pilgrimage stations in the Saarbrücken region and in the Bliesgau Biosphere Reserve now offer special pilgrimage products for pilgrims that come from organic farming, the region or from fair trade ingredients. These include teas, wines and care products.

A “pilgrim’s basket” with a selection of these products makes a special gift idea. There is also another pilgrimage basket “Starry Path meets fair trade” with combinations of fairly and regionally traded products.

On the guided walks along the “Sternenweg” in the Saarbrücken region, organic and fair-trade products are occasionally offered for tasting and, above all, the background to them is also communicated. Many locals and guests have come into contact with the topics and products in this way and carry the idea further.

Detailed product overview


All products can be ordered at the Tourist Info in Saarbrücken Castle:

Tourist Info Saarbrücken Castle
Tel. 0049 681 / 506-60 06

Logo Regional Einkaufen – Regional essen Note for planning a pilgrimage: The Federal Association of the “Regional Movement” also provides the contacts and offers of the partner initiative of the Bliesgau Biosphere Reserve on its digital platform. Pilgrims can use the “RegioApp” to find producers, processors, small stores or restaurants with regional cuisine within a radius of 150 km.